Luciano Sandrone, Barolo, Cannubi Boschis Sibi et Paucis 2009

70.00 €

Succesful Bid
This lot was part of our auction «December auction 2021» on 04.12.2021.

Luciano Sandrone, Barolo, Cannubi Boschis Sibi et Paucis, 2009

1 x 0.750L
into neck
96 / 100 Robert Parker
The 2009 Barolo Cannubi Boschis Sibi et Paucis starts off with minerality and tightness, and then within just a few moments in the glass it becomes more robust and generous, opening quickly with each successive sip. Dark black fruit begins to appear, and then some of the minty notes that Cannubi Boschis vines tend to offer, as well as hints of rubbed rosemary. Also, the wine covers the whole mouth very nicely. This is going to be a rare find at just 900 bottles set apart for this late release, which is about 10% of production on the whole. This is a special Barolo, definitely a keeper.
WA 243, 28.06.2019
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