About WeinAuktionator
Passion and enthusiasm for wine have been with me for over 20 years now. After working for Hawesko and Lobenberg's Weinprofi, I founded Riepenau Fine & Rare GmbH in 2002 and took over Wein & Kunst in 2013, which we are now reorganising as an online auction platform at www.weinauktionator.de.
The fine and rare wines of this world have always been the main component of our professional work so that countless bottles have accompanied us during this time. All of this has led to extensive experience and expertise in the wine industry and especially in the fine & rare sector so that we examine every bottle intensively and with the greatest care before an auction.
We offer you a modern platform for the best possible marketing of your cellar treasures, but also a serious and transparent purchasing source. Take advantage of our many years of experience, mutual appreciation and personal interaction.
The complexity and wide range that this industry entails are reflected in our auction catalogs. So there will be exciting classics for everyday enjoyment, but also collector's & found items that are historically exciting and sensory fascinating.
The fine and rare wines of this world have always been the main component of our professional work so that countless bottles have accompanied us during this time. All of this has led to extensive experience and expertise in the wine industry and especially in the fine & rare sector so that we examine every bottle intensively and with the greatest care before an auction.
We offer you a modern platform for the best possible marketing of your cellar treasures, but also a serious and transparent purchasing source. Take advantage of our many years of experience, mutual appreciation and personal interaction.
The complexity and wide range that this industry entails are reflected in our auction catalogs. So there will be exciting classics for everyday enjoyment, but also collector's & found items that are historically exciting and sensory fascinating.

All times are based on the Europe/Berlin time zone.